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Tuition Reimbursement

Helping Families with Special Education Tuition Reimbursement and Private Placement

Every child with special needs is legally entitled to a free and appropriate education that meets his or her needs. If your son or daughter has a special need that the school district is unable to provide for, he or she may be eligible for tuition reimbursement to pay for education at a private therapeutic special education school.

At the Law Office of Peter D. Hoffman, PC, we help New York students with special needs obtain access to a free and appropriate education. Whether your child is currently enrolled in a private school or you are searching for the financial means to provide your child with a proper special education, we can help.

To learn about your special education private placement rights and this complex process, we encourage you to contact us today to speak with our lawyers.

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Ensuring Your Child’s Needs Are Met

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a school district must prove that its special education program provides your child with appropriate services. We can help you if you believe that your child’s needs are not being met.

If the public school district cannot or will not provide a free and appropriate education, then you may seek to have your school district pay for an out-of-district private therapeutic special education placement, and when possible, get them to pay for your attorney fees as well. In preparing for these matters, we will perform a thorough review of your child’s school records and medical records. Working as a team with your child’s doctors, psychologists, neuropsychologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech and language therapists, and educational evaluators, our attorneys will learn what your child needs from a special education program and how those needs can be met. Parents are an important part of this team as well, because nobody knows your special needs child better than his or her parent.

Tuition Reimbursement

Tuition reimbursement cases are difficult, and even though we will begin preparations for your impartial or due process hearing immediately, you will need to be flexible about different types of solutions that may be available with your school district. With years of experience handling these cases, we have built a strong history, and often a better settlement can be reached out of court. Since a hearing officer can only grant one year of tuition at a time, school tuition reimbursement negotiations allow parents to develop plans that include multiple years of tuition.

Contact Us

We start case preparation early, so you will reach a solution as soon as possible, whether through negotiation or in court or at a hearing. With offices in South Salem, we represent families with children with special needs throughout Westchester County, Putnam County, Rockland County, Manhattan and the Bronx. Contact us via email today for more information about your tuition reimbursement options or call us.