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Autism Spectrum Disorders

Protecting the Education of A Child with Autism

As the parent of a child with autism, you understand that your child has potential. In order to that potential to be realized, however, your child’s school may need to provide special accommodations to provide your child with the educational opportunities he or she deserves.Every child has the right to an education, and the law protects the rights of children who require special accommodations in school. At the Law Office of Peter D. Hoffman, PC, in South Salem, we represent autistic children and their parents. We have experience helping families with special education needs, and we will leverage that experience in order to protect your child’s right to an education.

How Can an Attorney Help?

A lawyer with experience helping children on the autism spectrum with special education issues can:

  • Answer your questions about your legal rights as a parent and your child’s right to an education

  • Negotiate the placement of your child in special education school district programs for autistic children and therapeutic private school programs, at the expense of the school district

  • Represent you and your child in IEP and 504 meetings to ensure your child’s development plan provide your child with the necessary accommodations

  • Assist your child in obtaining special testing accommodations

  • Pursue legal action if the school district fails to provide your child with the education he or she needs

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We understand that children with autism have different needs and skills. Our attorneys work with variety of experts in order to help ensure our clients get the accommodations they need, regardless of where they fall on the autism spectrum.

Speak with An Attorney with Experience Helping Autistic Children

To discuss your child’s needs and for help resolving disputes with a school district, contact our firm. You can call our office, or you can send our firm an email. From our office in New York, we help children throughout Westchester County, Putnam County, Rockland County, Manhattan and the Bronx in New York.